At Green Valley, we value who we are together. Life Groups provide an opportunity for smaller groups to share and grow in authentic ways.
The typical LifeGroup meets weekly or twice a month for around 90 minutes.
We utilize the steps you see on the left.
It is a chance to go deeper into the Sunday message from the previous week.
Groups can be based on location, time, gender, age groups...whatever. Everyone is welcome.
This Week's ReFocus Sheet. Begin your journey by ReFocusing today. This sheet contains daily scripture readings that focus on the previous Sunday's message and provide the framework for LifeGroup discussions.
Interested in learning more about how LifeGroups can help you and see what groups are currently available to be a part of? Fill out and submit this form.
Interested in starting your own group? Just Follow these steps and let us know how your doing!

Wednesday Evening at 7PM -
At Cathy and Frank Edwards house - 5670 Deer Pines Dr. (1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month). For more info email Cathy edwardsfour@hotmail.com .
Wednesday Evening at 6:30 PM -
At Pastor Jeff and Jenny's house -
585 Sleepy Hollow Drive (2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month). For more info email Jeff gvumcjeff@gmail.com .
Wednesday at 11AM -
Menches Bros.
3700 Massilon Rd., Suite 130
For more info email Craig gvumccraig@gmail.com .
Thursday at 6:30 PM -
Panera Bread
790 Arlington Ridge
For more info email Craig gvumccraig@gmail.com .